Do Emails Contribute to Global Warming?

“Cut back on email if you want to fight global warming,” read the headline on a recent article at Bloomberg: [A]ll those messages require energy to preserve them. And despite the tech industry’s focus on renewables, the advents of streaming and artificial intelligence are only accelerating the amount of fossil fuels burned to keep data servers up. Right now, data centers consume about 2 percent of the world’s electricity, but that is expected to reach 8 percent by 2030. Moreover, only about 6 percent of all data ever created is in active use today, according to research from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. That means 94 percent is sitting in a vast “landfill” with a massive carbon footprint. “It’s costing us the equivalent of maintaining the airline industry for data we don’t even use,” said Andrew Choi, a senior research analyst at Parnassus Investments, a $27 billion environmental, social and governance firm in San Francisco. Kirk Bresniker, chief architect of Hewlett Packard Labs, said these server farms use energy both to retain your data and when you use it… And when you empty the email trash, you probably aren’t actually erasing the data. Multiple copies of even decade-old emails are stored on servers around the world, still using energy… Bresniker says the tech industry is “flying blind” when it comes to the true cost of storing data. The picture is clouded by a constant stream of efficiency and memory upgrades, increased renewable power and AI aimed at data-center efficiency. “We don’t really understand what the footprint is,” he said… The sum of all the world’s data in 2018 was 33 zettabytes — 33 trillion gigabytes — but by 2025 it could increase fivefold, to 175 zettabytes, according to International Data Corp. Every day, the world produces about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data… Computing workloads are likely to more than double as more AI comes online, more devices are connected and people do more work in the cloud… Choi says the problem is getting too big, too fast… Training an AI model emits about as much carbon as the lifetime emissions associated with running five cars.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
