Developer Requests Google Remove Their Logo From Re-Designed Golang Page

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: Another very minor kerfuffle has broken out in the community for the Go programming language. When its official Twitter account asked for feedback on the new look of its web site, one developer suggested that it had been a mistake to add the Google logo to the lower-right of the home page. “A lot of people associate it with a commercial Google product.” Following the suggested procedure, he then created an issue on GitHub. (“Go is perceived by some as a pure Google project without community involvement. Adding a Google logo does not help in this discussion.”) The issue received 61 upvotes (and 30 downvotes), eventually receiving a response from Google software engineer Andrew Bonventre, the engineering lead on the Go Team. “Thanks for the issue. We spent a long time talking about it and are sensitive to this concern. It’s equally important to make it clear that Google supports Go, which was missing before (Much like Google pays for and hosts the infrastructure that runs on and we hope the current very small logo is a decent compromise.” He then closed the issue. The developer who created the issue then responded, “I get that you’ve discussed this internally. This is a great opportunity to discuss it with the community. I’m thankful to Google for financing the initial and ongoing development of Go but Google is not the only company investing [in] Go. I would like to move the Google logo into an separate section, together will the major stakeholders of the project.” In a later comment he added “I value Google’s participation in Go and I’m not arguing to change that. Having the Google logo in the corner of each page suggests that this is a pure Google project when it is not…” For some perspective, another Go developer had also suggested “animate the gopher’s eyes on the website.” “Thanks, but we’re not going to do this,” responded the engineering lead on the Go Team. “We’ve discussed it before and it would be way too distracting.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
