D-Wave: Quantum Computing and Machine Learning Are ‘Extremely Well Matched’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: Following D-Wave’s announcement of Leap 2, a new version of its quantum cloud service for building and deploying quantum computing applications, VentureBeat had the opportunity to sit down with Murray Thom, D-Wave’s VP of software and cloud services. We naturally talked about Leap 2, including the improvements the company hopes it will bring for businesses and developers. But we also discussed the business applications D-Wave has already seen to date. Thom explained that D-Wave has seen success particularly with optimization and machine learning use cases. And he has the data to back it up: D-Wave’s customer applications are about 50% optimization, 20% AI and ML, 10% materials science, and 20% other. Thom believes quantum computing and machine learning are “extremely well matched. The features the technology has and the needs of the field are very close.” “It’s something I think is going to be a very productive use of the technology in the future because there’s so many aspects of what the quantum computers can do in terms of the probabilistic sampling,” Thom continued. “For optimization, the probabilistic sampling is like ‘oh, I can do robust optimization with that.’ But for machine learning it’s essential for what you need to do. It’s very hard to reproduce that with a classical computer and you get it natively from the quantum computer. So those features can’t be accidental. It’s just that it’s going to take time for the community to find the right methods for incorporating it and then for the technology to insert into that space productively.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
