Crypto Margin Trading Challenged By US Derivatives Regulator

The main U.S. derivatives regulator is taking a significant step in defining the sometimes blurry line between cryptocurrency futures and trading in the spot market. From a report: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission this week laid out its view on what it means to take “actual delivery” of a digital asset. The long-awaited guidance is significant because it means that there could be penalties for trades that don’t let the buyer take physical possession and control of a coin within 28 days — the cut off line for when trades in commodities like wheat and oil start to be considered futures contracts. Long-existing rules requiring traders and exchanges to be able to deliver physical commodities unless they’re futures trading on a CFTC-regulated exchange has sowed some confusion for Bitcoin, Ether and other digital assets because they exist only in cyberspace. The issue has been further complicated by trading platforms allowing investors to leverage their bets multiple times using margin, or borrowed money.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
