Creator of DirectX Dies at Age 55

The Wall Street Journal looks back to the days when Windows was “a loser in the world of computer games.” But to change that, Eric Engstrom and his cohorts “secretly hired programmers to get the work done, and they had to do an end run around partners like Intel,” remembers VentureBeat. Long-time Slashdot reader whh3 shares The Wall Street Journal’s report:
Windows inserted itself between game programs and the computer hardware in a way that slowed down graphics and animation. Game developers vastly preferred the DOS operating system, which didn’t gum up their special effects. That created an opportunity for three Microsoft misfits — Eric Engstrom, Alex St. John and Craig Eisler. Mr. Engstrom, who died Dec. 1 at the age of 55, and his pals formed one of several factions within Microsoft trying to solve the game problem. Openly contemptuous of colleagues who didn’t share their ideas, they were so obnoxious that Brad Silverberg, who ran the Windows business, dubbed them the Beastie Boys. He had to fend off frequent demands for their dismissal. Yet the solution they developed, DirectX, beat anything else on offer inside Microsoft. DirectX software recognized games and allowed them direct access to the computer’s graphical capabilities, allowing a richer game experience than DOS could. “It was brilliant,” Mr. Silverberg said. Launched in 1995, DirectX wowed game developers and led to a flood of new games for computers loaded with Windows. That success emboldened Microsoft to plunge deeper into the lucrative gaming market by developing the Xbox console. Microsoft’s game business produced $11.6 billion of revenue in the year ended June 30… “He thought things were possible that nobody else on the planet thought would be possible,” said Ben G. Wolff, a friend who runs a robotics company, “and sometimes he’d be right.” “DirectX remains the foundation for many games on Windows 10 and the Xbox Series X,” writes Engadget, “and it’s likely to remain relevant for years to come.” And VentureBeat shared this remark from Alex St. John at a memorial service for Engstrom. “He had huge dreams and huge fantasies, and he always took us all with him.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
