Could Our Entire Reality Be Part of a Simulation Created by Some Other Beings?

Sam Baron, associate professor at Australian Catholic University, focuses on the connection between key topics in the philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of time concerning temporal ontology. In a recent article in Gizmodo, he answers the ultimate question: Could our entire reality be part of a simulation created by some other beings? Let’s assume these extraterrestrial beings have a computer on which our universe is being “simulated”. Simulated worlds are pretend worlds — a bit like the worlds on Minecraft or Fortnite, which are both simulations created by us. If we think about it like this, it also helps to suppose these “beings” are similar to us. They’d have to at least understand us to be able to simulate us. By narrowing the question down, we’re now asking: is it possible we’re living in a computer simulation run by beings like us? University of Oxford professor Nick Bostrom has thought a lot about this exact question. And he argues the answer is “yes”. Not only does Bostrom think it’s possible, he thinks there’s a decent probability it’s true… According to Bostrom, if these simulated people (who are so much like us) don’t realise they’re in a simulation, then it’s possible you and I are too. Suppose I guess we’re not in a simulation and you guess we are. Who guessed best? Let’s say there is just one “real” past. But these futuristic beings are also running many simulations of the past — different versions they made up. They could be running any number of simulations (it doesn’t change the point Bostrom is trying to make) — but let’s go with 200,000. Our guessing-game then is a bit like rolling a die with 200,000 sides. When I guess we are not simulated, I’m betting the die will be a specific number (let’s make it 2), because there can only be one possible reality in which we’re not simulated. This means in every other scenario we are simulated, which is what you guessed. That’s like betting the die will roll anything other than 2. So your bet is a far better one. Professor Baron notes there’s also two factors that decrease the likelihood of this hypothesis: How likely is it there are beings so advanced they can run simulations with people who are “conscious” like us in the first place?
How likely is it such beings would run simulations even if they could? Maybe they have no interest in doing this. “Sadly, we don’t have enough evidence to help us decide.” Gizmodo doesn’t indicate that professor Baron’s came from a 9-year-old (as part of a series called “Curious Kids”.) The 9-year-old’s original wording of the question: “Is it possible the whole observable universe is just a thing kept in a container, in a room where there are some other extraterrestrial beings much bigger than us?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
