Could Open-Source Medicine Prepare Us For The Next Pandemic?

“A new, Linux-like platform could transform the way medicine is developed — and energize the race against COVID-19,” reports Fast Company, while arguing that the old drug discovery system “was built to benefit shareholders, not patients.” Fast Company’s technology editor harrymcc writes:
Drug development in the U.S. has traditionally been cloistered and profit-motivated, which means that it has sometimes failed to tackle pressing needs. But an initiative called the Open Source Pharma Foundation hopes to apply some of the lessons of open-source software to the creation of new drugs — including ones that could help fight COVID-19. From the article:
The response to COVID-19 has been more open-source than any drug effort in modern memory. On January 11, less than two weeks after the virus was reported to the World Health Organization, Chinese researchers published a draft of the virus’s genetic sequence. The information enabled scientists across the globe to begin developing tests, treatments, and vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies searched their archives for drugs that might be repurposed as treatments for COVID-19 and formed consortiums to combine resources and expedite the process. These efforts have yielded some 90 vaccine candidates, seven of which are in Phase I trials and three of which are advancing to Phase II. There are nearly 1,000 clinical trials listed with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention related to COVID-19. The gathering of resources and grassroots sharing of information aimed at combating the coronavirus has put open-source methods of drug development front and center. “It’s our moment,” said Bernard Munos, a former corporate strategist at pharma company Eli Lilly… Munos has been arguing for an open-source approach to developing drugs since 2006. “A lot is at stake because if it’s successful, the open-source model can be replicated to address other challenges in biomedical research.” So now the Open Source Pharma Foundation hopes to offer “a platform where scientists and researchers can freely access technological tools for researching disease, share their discoveries, launch investigations into molecules or potential drugs, and find entities to turn that research into medicine…” according to the article. “If the platform succeeds, it would allow drugs to succeed on their merit and need, rather than their ability to be profitable.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
