Coronavirus Reportedly Spreads To Venice, California

Twitter user Scott Bell is reporting that his uncle from Venice, California, has tested positive for the coronavirus. According to Bell, “he was skiing in the Italian alps with 6 other guys,” 4 of which, including his uncle, now have the coronavirus. One is reportedly in a coma and two others are sick. Bell says his uncle “has not present any symptoms as of yet,” but has chosen to self-quarantine himself. From the thread: A few days later they tested him and yesterday he found out he’s positive. Meanwhile, they’ve told my aunt to wear a mask, stay 10 feet away from my uncle, and otherwise she is free to move about the community. And, she has — to grocery stores, the hair salon, etc. […] Believe me, I’m upset to hear that she did this. The crazier part is that they have not tested her, and will not, and again – advised her she is free to move at-will. This is how our health dept. is leading this effort. In an updated tweet, Bell says his aunt is now quarantined and the guy in the coma “is starting to improve.” Here’s a screenshot of the thread: UPDATE: A nurse from a northern California Kaiser facility issued a statement criticizing the CDC for delays in testing, and reporting that she is “currently sick and in quarantine after caring for a patient who tested positive.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
