Comic-Con Trailers Include ‘Star Trek: Picard’ and HBO’s ‘Watchmen’ Series

“At Comic-Con, Sir Patrick Stewart took to the Hall H stage Saturday afternoon to discuss his new series, Star Trek: Picard,” reports CBS News: The series will focus on what caused famed captain and admiral Jean-Luc Picard to leave Starfleet, and his life since…. Patrick Stewart — who is also an executive producer — answered questions about the show. “We never know, do we, when our best moment will be. And that is now,” Stewart said. “I knew something unusual would happen. I knew I needed to be a part of it.” Stewart has been heavily involved in crafting “Star Trek: Picard” and frequently visits the writer’s room… Brent Spiner, who played the character Data on TNG, said there was “no way” he could say no to the opportunity to work with Stewart again…. The show is set 20 years after the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” around the year 2399. This sets the series further into the future than any previous Star Trek series. But fans should not expect to see the same Jean-Luc Picard they know from “The Next Generation” series. During the press tour, Kurtzman teased that the show will be very different and “grounded.” The series will explore how Picard has changed in that time, making him reckon with the choices he has made. Kurtzman hinted that there are circumstances that have “radically” shifted that have caused the beloved Starfleet admiral to question his life decisions. The two-minute trailer includes a surprising cameo, and Variety reports that CBS has also committed to two seasons of Star Trek: Lower Decks, an animated series focused on “the support crew serving on one of Starfleet’s least important ships.” (They also report that Seth MacFarlane announced season 3 of The Orville will be moving from Fox to Hulu.) Also at Comic-Con, HBO shared the first full trailer for their upcoming Watchmen TV series, a sequel to the original Alan Moore graphic novel. Rolling Stone quotes HBO as saying that Watchmen “takes place in an alternative, contemporary reality in the United States, in which masked vigilantes became outlawed due to their violent methods.” Marvel also revealed that their next Thor movie (Thor: Love and Thunder) will incude both Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman as Lady Thor, and shared footage from their upcoming Black Widow movie. And CNET has a comprehensive rundown (with trailers) of all the DC Comics superhero shows on the CW network, including Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Black Lightning, and Batwoman.

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