Canada’s Police Service Admits to Using Facial Recognition — After Previously Denying It

Canada’s federal and national police service the RCMP denied it was using facial recognition technology just a few weeks ago. But now long-time Slashdot reader satanicat quotes the CBC: [L]ast week, as the debate over the ethics of Clearview AI’s facial recognition technology was heating up and following reports the company’s client list had been hacked, the RCMP issued a statement confirming it had been using the technology for at least the previous four months. “The discrepancy is the result of an error on our part,” said spokesperson Catherine Fortin in an email late Wednesday… On Thursday, the force said its child exploitation unit has used the technology, resulting in the rescue of two children, for about four months. It’s also acknowledged “a few units in the RCMP” are using the controversial tech to “enhance criminal investigations.” “Outside of use of the application in child sexual exploitation cases, usage has been explored on a very limited trial basis,” said Fortin Wednesday, adding that RCMP headquarters is still confirming with all its divisions about what units have been using Clearview AI.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
