Can You Build Your Own Mac?

“If you’re sick of MacBooks but love MacOS, be brave and convert a new laptop into a Hackintosh with our exhaustive guide,” writes Motherboard, in an article shared by eatmorekix: Perhaps it’s the fact that Apple solders on all of its main parts on its laptops. Perhaps it’s the inability for users to repair or upgrade their own machines. Maybe it’s the keyboard. For whatever reason, laptops are looking mighty attractive for Hackintoshing these days, despite the knotty qualms some people have with it… As frustrated by the keyboard and the price as by the fact that nothing was upgradeable on the current generation of MacBook Pros, I went on this journey myself a year ago — and made it out on the other side much more knowledgeable about why MacOS is a great, quite flexible operating system, often (and unfortunately) placed in a not-so-perfect machine. It’s a long read, but it ends with the author saying he “gained a great appreciation for the process” and ended up with “a fairly stable machine that can handle much of what Apple’s own offerings can — without the incredibly high price to boot.” Despite the (many) technical challenges, “enough of the things that make MacOS worth installing work, and you can make a good weekend project out of this and get a good machine in the end — one with better specs and more upgradability than many of Apple’s own products.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
