Can We Kill Fake News With Blockchain?

“One of the more unique future uses for blockhain may be thwarting fake news,” writes Computerworld’s senior reporter, citing a recent report from Gartner: By 2023, up to 30% of world news and video content will be authenticated as real by blockchain ledgers, countering “Deep Fake technology,” according to Avivah Litan, a Gartner vice president of research and co-author of the “Predicts 2020: Blockchain Technology” report… “Tracking assets and proving provenance are two key successful use cases for permissioned blockchain and can be readily applied to tracking the provenance of news content….” The New York Times is one of the first major news publications to test blockchain to authenticate news photographs and video content, according to Gartner. The newspaper’s Research and Development team and IBM have partnered on the News Provenance Project, which uses Hyperledger Fabric’s permissioned blockchain to store “contextual metadata.” That metadata includes when and where a photo or video was shot, who took it and how and when it was edited and published… Blockchain could also change how corporate public offerings are done. Many private companies forgo a public offering because of the complexity of the process. With blockchain ledgers, securities linked to digital tokens could move more easily between financial institutions by simply bypassing a central clearance organization. The article also envisions a world with encrypted digital online credentials on a blockchain ledger that are linked back to the bank, employer, or government agency that created them. Ken Elefant, managing director of investment firm Sorenson Capital, sees this technology creating a world of super-secure profiles where “only the individuals or companies authorized have access to that data — unlike the internet today where you and I can be marketed to by anybody,”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
