Calling for Online Accountability, Columnist Decries ‘Anonymity Masquerading as Connectivity’

An anonymous reader quotes a long-time columnist for the Northwest Florida Daily News: In this age dominated by screens, we have become more prone to sitting in our cars, houses and workplaces and watching the world at a safe remove. From our couches, it’s easy to have an opinion about everything. From that safe perspective, we know everything and we can comment, sometimes brutally, without fear of being called out. It’s an age of anonymity masquerading as connectivity. We seem to be more global, more in contact with people who may live hundreds of miles away. We can date people we’ve never even met. But in reality, we are hiding behind the safety of our screens, posting only photos that frame us as we want to be seen, using screen names and judging people in the online arena that we would never criticize if they were standing on front of us. This has not brought out the best in many of us. The columnist ultimately argues the world would be improved by more accountability — “being held responsible for our actions and our words.” The article’s headline? “Stop hiding behind the safety of our screens.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
