California High School In Silicon Valley Is Locking Up Students’ Cellphones

San Mateo High School administrators have instituted a new policy to lock up students’ cellphones. “Each school day, nearly 1,700 students place their devices in a Yondr pouch that closes with a proprietary lock,” reports NBC News. “School administrators unlock them at the end of the day.” The goal is to help students focus on the teacher and other students. From the report: While administrators and teachers say they have already noticed a positive effect on students, the policy has elicited mixed reactions from researchers who argue its long-term effectiveness. Devices remain in the student’s possession, but they aren’t able to access them, the school said. The program was funded with a $20,000 grant. The pouches have been assigned to students at no cost, but losing one will cost the high-schoolers a $25 replacement fee. Some technology experts feel the new policy is a step in the right direction and will curb distraction in the classroom. “Taking cellphones out of the classroom is a no-brainer,” said Calvin Newport, a professor of computer science at Georgetown University. Students tend to perform worse when they have access to network connectivity in the classroom, he said. “The ability to be free of distraction and concentrate on things is increasingly valuable, so it’s a good general function of our schools to be a place where our students get trained to keeping their concentration on one thing at a time,” he added. While many researchers have focused on the benefits of cutting out devices from the classroom, others worry about taking away something young people depend on. Larry Rosen, a research psychologist at California State University, said young people constantly check their phones to alleviate anxiety. They are anxious about staying on top of things, and that anxiety will build up if they are forced to ditch the devices cold turkey, he added. Taking away phones doesn’t work for everyone, he argues. Instead, he believes “technology breaks” are a much happier medium.

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