Boeing’s New Plan: Replace Human Inspectors With Technology

“Boeing is pushing ahead on a plan to cut about 900 inspectors, replacing their jobs with technology improvements at its Seattle area factories, despite being under fire for software flaws in the 737 Max and quality issues in its other aircraft,” reports USA Today. “The union has raised an outcry, calling it a ‘bad decision’ that will ‘eliminate the second set of eyes on thousands of work packages’ in its newsletter to members.” Some 451 inspectors will be transferred to other jobs this year, and about the same number next year, out of a total of about 3,000 at its commercial aircraft operations in the Seattle area, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 751, has told its members…. When it comes to paring its inspection staff on the West Coast, Boeing says the “QA Transformation Plan” won’t undermine safety. Substituting technology gains, it says, will increase quality and effect only “stable” procedures, those in which there is a low probability of mistakes. For instance, Boeing says when it is bringing out a new aircraft with wings made out of composites, there is equipment now that can do the inspections more thoroughly than humans. Once the inspection equipment has verified that it can do the job — with humans overseeing the process — traditional inspectors can be redeployed to other tasks. “As we identify and reduce second-layer inspections for stable processes, quality assurance professionals will be redeployed and take on new roles such as leading and supporting efforts to prevent defects and rework,” Boeing said in a statement. It adds that it is working to try to convince regulators and others that the changes “will not jeopardize our quality, but will, in fact, lead to higher levels.” So far, the Federal Aviation Administration hasn’t given the plan a ringing endorsement… And skeptics are emerging. Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate who lost a niece when the Ethiopian Airlines jet crashed and who believes the 737 Max design is fatally flawed, is leery of substituting machines for people when it comes to quality. “They still haven’t learned the lesson that risky automation does not replicate experienced human intelligence,” he said. “There is no comparison. There is all kinds of human intuition that can’t be translated into computer code.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
