Blizzard Suspended Three College ‘Hearthstone’ Players For Pro-Hong Kong Protests

An anonymous reader quotes the Verge: Blizzard has suspended three college Hearthstone players for six months after they held up a sign that read “Free Hong Kong, Boycott Blizz” while participating in an official competition stream. The ban, which was first reported by VICE Games, comes just over a week after Blizzard suspended a professional Hearthstone player, Ng “Blitzchung” Wai Chung for six months… Similar to Blitzchung’s ban, the three college players didn’t receive word about their ban until a couple of days after they held up the sign… Team player Casey Chambers tweeted out an email from a member of the Hearthstone team at Blizzard, which stated that the entire team received the ban for violating the company’s official rules. eSports consultant Rod Breslau posted on Twitter that now Blizzard is also not allowing post-game interviews for Collegiate Hearthstone teams. He adds, “I’m impressed with just how many bad decisions Blizzard has made through all of this…”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
