Bill Gates, Lancet, UN, and Many Others Lambast America’s Withholding of Funds from the WHO

This week U.S. president Donald Trump suspended America’s $900 million annual contribution to the World Health Organization. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, called Trump’s move a “crime against humanity….” The Hill reports: “Every scientist, every health worker, every citizen must resist and rebel against this appalling betrayal of global solidarity,” he added… The American Medical Association (AMA) late Tuesday called Trump’s decision a “dangerous step in the wrong direction” and urged him to reconsider. “Fighting a global pandemic requires international cooperation and reliance on science and data. Cutting funding to the WHO — rather than focusing on solutions — is a dangerous move at a precarious moment for the world,” the AMA said in a statement. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, meanwhile, said Wednesday that there was “no reason justifying” Trump’s move… And Bill Gates said in a tweet that halting funding to the WHO amid a world health crisis “is as dangerous as it sounds.” “Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them,” the Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist added. “The world needs @WHO now more than ever.” Agreeing with Bill Gates was 95-year-old former U.S. president Jimmy Carter. Newsweek quotes Carter’s newly-released statement calling the WHO “the only international organization capable of leading the effort to control this virus.” The head of the United Nations also called the WHO “absolutely critical to the world’s efforts to win the war against COVID-19.” While criticizing the WHO, this week an article in the Atlantic called president Trump’s moves “a transparent effort to distract from his administration’s failure to prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic.” The Democrats speaker of the House added that Trump’s decision “is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged.” But the science magazine Nature still published an editorial harshly criticizing Trump’s attempt to defund the WHO. “[E]ven talk of doing so in the middle of a global health and economic crisis cannot be condemned strongly enough.” They argue that withholding America’s funds “will place more lives at risk and ensure that the world takes longer to emerge from this crisis… It is right that researchers, funders and governments have been protesting against Trump’s decision, and they must continue to do so in the strongest terms.” And Newsweek also published the comments of the WHO’s Director-General, who had this message for its critics. “[O]ur focus, my focus, is on stopping this virus and saving lives… This is a time for all of us to be united in our common struggle against a common threat, a dangerous enemy. “When we’re divided, the virus exploits the cracks between us.”

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