Bernie Sanders Supports Video Game Workers Unions

U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has taken to Twitter to announce his support for video game workers unions. “In his message, Sanders gives shout-outs to IATSE (the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) and Game Workers Unite, two organizations that have been working to help game creators organize,” reports VentureBeat. “He also links to a June 11 Time story about the epidemic of worker burn out occurring in the industry.” From the report: Video games make a ton of money, including $43 billion in revenue in 2018 in the U.S. (as Sanders also points out). But the people making games are often overworked and suspect to “crunch,” mandatory (and sometimes unpaid) overtime. Recently, stories of unhealthy crunch cultures have surrounded giant game makers like Rockstar and Electronic Arts. Other employees suffer mass layoffs, like at Activision Blizzard earlier this year, even when their companies are big or even record profits. Some studios shut down completely.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
