Bay Area Tech Workers Consider Moving Amid Layoff Fears

More than half of tech workers in the Bay Area are concerned about being laid off or furloughed in the next six months, or their salaries hitting a plateau or dropping, according to a new report from Hired. From a news article: The tech industry has generally fared better than other sectors in the pandemic downturn, offering more chances to work from home and fewer layoffs. However, there are concerns that companies won’t be willing to pay Bay Area salaries if remote workers decide to relocate to less expensive areas. […] However, if allowed to work from home permanently, many said they would consider moving to a less expensive location, including 42% of those in the Bay Area and 40% of those in New York, compared to just a third of those in the U.K. Further reading: Behind Tech Layoffs Lay Systemic Cash Flow Negative Companies.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
