Australian Company Generates Cheap Renewable Energy From Tides

An anonymous reader quotes CNN:
Although tidal energy is still in its infancy, it could help to reduce Australia’s dependence on fossil fuels… The island nation is only beginning to explore tidal power through a number of pilot projects. But this form of energy has one major advantage: its predictability. While the sun may not shine, or the wind may not blow, the sea moves in predictable tidal currents… Among those harnessing this tidal potential is Sydney-based Mako Energy. The company makes underwater turbines ranging between two and four meters in diameter. One turbine operating in constantly flowing water can produce enough electricity to power up to 20 homes. Their design enables them to generate electricity even in slow-flowing water, meaning they could be used in rivers and irrigation canals as well as the ocean. “We’re developing turbines at a scale where they can be deployed easily in remote communities, coastal businesses, island communities and resorts,” Douglas Hunt, managing director of Mako Energy, told CNN Business… So far, Mako’s customers have predominantly been large industrial and government sites, but it wants to make its turbines accessible to energy customers big and small… “We want to contribute to an energy mix that is less reliant on fossil fuels, by empowering local businesses and communities to generate their own power from a predictable and abundant source that is hiding in plain sight — often flowing directly past communities,” says Hunt.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
