Australia Records Zero New COVID-19 Infections

The continent of Australia, where nearly 25 million people live, “has recorded its first day of no local cases of Covid-19 in almost five months,” reports the BBC: Zero cases were reported in the 24 hours between 20:00 on Friday and 20:00 on Saturday – the first time this has happened since 9 June. The state of Victoria – epicentre of Australia’s second wave – recorded zero cases for the second day in a row after a 112-day lockdown. Health officials say more restrictions may be eased in the coming days. “Thank you to all of our amazing health & public health workers & above all else the Australian people,” Health Minister Greg Hunt said on his Twitter account. Australia combined lockdowns with “proactive testing and tracing,” the article reports, adding that in addition Victoria “imposed some of the severest stay-at-home and curfew rules in the world.”

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