Ask Slashdot: Will P2P Video Sites Someday Replace YouTube?

dryriver writes: BitChute is a video-hosting website like YouTube, except that it states its mission as being “anti-censorship” and is Peer-To-Peer, WebTorrent based. “It is based on the peer-to-peer WebTorrent system, a JavaScript torrenting program that can run in a web browser,” according to Wikipedia. “Users who watch a video also seed it. BitChute does not rely on advertising, and users can send payments to video creators directly. In November 2018 BitChute was banned from PayPal.” So it seems that you don’t need huge datacenters to build something like YouTube — Bitchute effectively relies on its users to act as a distributed P2P datacenter. Is this the future of internet video? Will more and more people flock to P2P video-hosting sites as/when more mainstream services like YouTube fall prey to various forms of censorship?

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