Ask Slashdot: What’s Your ‘Backup’ Browser?

Slashdot’s gotten over 17,000 votes in its poll about which web browser people use on their desktop. (The current leader? Firefox, with 53% of the vote, followed by Chrome with 30%.) But Slashdot reader koavf asks an interesting follow-up question: “What’s everyone’s go-to Plan B browser and why?” To start the conversation, here’s how James Gelinas (a contributor at Kim Komando’s tech advice site) recently reviewed the major browsers: He calls Chrome “a safe, speedy browser that’s compatible with nearly every page on the internet” but also says that Chrome “is notorious as a resource hog, and it can drastically slow your computer down if you have too many tabs open.” “Additionally, the perks of having your Google Account connected to your browser can quickly turn into downsides for the privacy-minded among is. If you’re uncomfortable with your browser knowing your searching and spending behaviors, Chrome may not be the best choice for you.” He calls Firefox “the choice for safety”. “Predating Chrome by 6 years, Firefox was the top choice for savvy Netizens in the early Aughts. Although Chrome has captured a large segment of its user base, that doesn’t mean the Fox is bad. In fact, Mozilla is greatly appreciated by fans and analysts for its steadfast dedication to user privacy… Speedwise, Firefox isn’t a slouch either. The browser is lighter weight than Chrome and is capable of loading some websites even faster.” He calls Apple’s Safari and Microsoft Edge “the default choice…because both of these browsers come bundled with new computers.” “Neither one has glaring drawbacks, but they tend to lack some of the security features and extensions found in more popular browsers. Speedwise, however, both Edge and Safari are able to gain the upper hand against their competition. When it comes to startup time and functions, the apps are extremely lightweight on your system’s resources. This is because they’re part of the Mac and Window’s operating systems, respectively, and are optimized for performance in that environment.” Finally, he gives the Tor browser an honorable mention. (“It’s still one of the best anonymous web browsers available. It’s so reliable, in fact, that people living under repressive governments often turn to it for their internet needs — installing it on covert USB sticks to use on public computers.”) And he awards a “dishonorable mention” to Internet Explorer. (“Not only is the browser no longer supported by Microsoft, but it’s also vulnerable to a host of malware and adware threats.”) But what do Slashdot’s readers think? Putting aside your primary desktop browser — what’s your own go-to “Plan B” web browser, and why? Leave your best answers in the comments. What’s your “backup” browser?

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
