Ask Slashdot: How Do You Feel About the End Of Google+ ?

“On April 2nd, your Google+ account and any Google+ pages you created will be shut down and we will begin deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts,” Google has been warning since January. Long-time Slashdot reader shanen writes “it’s been grating on me for a while,” asking “But is there any real harm here? Do you feel damaged?”
On the one hand, my trust in the Google has certainly been damaged by profit-driven directional changes. On such grounds you could argue that the people who most trusted the Google may feel most victimized…. What is the value of IP? Do you feel you expressed or even created any interesting ideas through your use of Google+ as a discussion channel? If so, maybe you feel damaged because it’s going away? (Yes, the Archive team wants to preserve it, but IP has to grow to be alive, and the archives aren’t easy to search, to boot…) I’m pretty sure that I started using Google+ a long time ago, back when my own sentiments towards the Google were much more positive. My negative framing of the question could be projection, so maybe your response may explain why it’s really a good thing when the Google kills certain ideas? The original submission also includes the bitter observation that “Innovation is supposed to be important to the Google. Isn’t the Google giving us mixed signals here?” But how do Slashdot’s readers feel? Leave your own thoughts in the comments. How do you feel about the end of Google+ ?

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
