Ask Slashdot: Do You Prefer One-Time Purchases or SaaS Subscriptions?

Long-time Slashdot reader shanen remembers the days of one-time software purchases, before companies began nudging customers to a subscription-based “software as a service” model: New bugs and security vulnerabilities keep being discovered, which means the product cannot EVER be regarded as completed. Whatever the original cost, no matter what the software was supposed to do, it needs unending support. Right now I’m unable to see any other solution than SaaS! Not limited to Microsoft, of course. Perhaps Apple was the original source of the approach… Slashdot reader dryriver sees a dire trend:
Current computing younglings may never know a future where you can actually run software locally on a PC you own, and/or not pay for it as SaaS. All perpetual software licenses may go away in the next six years. Autodesk and Adobe have already moved to SaaS-only. But is there a case to made for ongoing payments to fund ongoing support? Or is SaaS just an exploitative business model that’s bad for customers but good for software vendors? Share your own thoughts in the comments. And do you prefer one-time purchases or SaaS subscriptions?

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
