Ask Slashdot: Are We Teaching Children The Wrong Way To Read?

Slashdot reader Thelasko says his oldest child made some “interesting” statements when they came home from first grade: One particular phrase that bothers me is, “I can read pictures.” Recently, I heard a radio show on NPR about whole-language reading instruction, and how it’s a terrible way to learn. I’ve since learned that this is a hotly debated topic. I learned to read in a phonics-only setting. To me, this is the only way to read. I don’t look at pictures, or the rest of the sentence unless I am completely clueless about what a word is. This whole-language approach just seems wrong. Have any Slashdot members been through this experience with their children? Did anyone find good research supporting one way or the other, not just opinion? What is your opinion on whole-language versus phonics only reading instruction? Other Slashdot readers shared some thoughtful comments. I75BJC wrote:
From my personal experience, the Whole Word Method of learning to read did not help me. It limited my vocabulary and, especially, my ability to learn new words by myself. In a word, the Whole Word Method “SUCKS”. Big time! My 3rd grade teacher was horrified at our lack of reading skills (after 2 years of the Whole Word Method) and began teaching Phonics to the class. That helped but she could not dedicate the time to Phonics as if it were the way to read. It helped a lot but it didn’t undo the damage that the Whole Word Method caused. Having been taught both Phonics and the Whole Word Method, I would say, from experience, that Phonics is the better method. As an Education Major in college, I would state that my professional opinion is that Phonics is vastly superior. BTW, the debate between Phonics and the Whole Word Method has been going on for decades — more than 50 years… And Iamthecheese wrote:
Some children learn better by listening, some by reading, some by doing. Some will learn by phonics best, some by getting cues, and most from a combination of these. You know what a child needs? Teachers and parents who love them enough to try different methods if the child is struggling. That’s what’s missing. Schools that are glorified daycare and parents who don’t have time for their children are the problem. Fix that and everything falls into place. Love the children enough to make sacrifices for them and treat them as individuals… Where do other Slashdot readers stand on this debate? Leave your own thoughts in the comments. Are we teaching children the wrong way to read?

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