As Sacha Baron Cohen Criticizes Zuckerberg, Elon Musk Tweets “#DeleteFacebook’

It all began when Sacha Baron Cohen shared a picture of Mark Zuckerberg as a Roman Emperor along with some scathing commentary, reports TechCrunch:
He tweeted in frustration, “We don’t let 1 person control the water for 2.5 billion people. We don’t let 1 person control electricity for 2.5 billion people. Why do we let 1 man control the information seen by 2.5 billion people? Facebook needs to be regulated by governments, not ruled by an emperor! Soon after, Tesla founder Elon Musk responded to the morning diatribe, himself tweeting “#DeleteFacebook it’s lame.” Musk’s response received 55,400 “Likes”, as well as 6,700 retweets and another 1,200 follow-up comments. Musk also tweeted a photo from inside a massive SpaceX hangar at Boca Chica, announced that small satellite operators using SpaceX “can now book their ride to orbit online,” reported that his mother has published a book of life advice, and shared a tweet making fun of WhatsApp.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
