Arm’s New Linux-Capable Cortex-R82 Processor Will Enable Drives That Both Store and Process Data

“Arm has announced its first 64 bit, Linux-capable Cortex-R processor, designed for computational storage solutions,” reports Electronics Weekly. SiliconAngle calls it “a chip designed to enable a new generation of storage devices that will not only hold data but also help process it.”
Such devices are part of an emerging hardware category known as computational storage. The technology promises to provide a speed boost for latency-sensitive workloads such as machine learning and real-time analytics applications. Normally, the task of storing data and processing it is relegated to separate components inside a system. The disk or flash drive holds onto the information while a separate processor does the processing. Data has to travel from the storage drive to the processor and back every time an operation is carried out, which creates delays that can slow down performance. The emerging computational storage devices Arm targets attempt to do away with these delays to speed up applications. Instead of sending information to a separate chip for processing, the storage drive processes it locally using its built-in controller. A controller is a tiny computing module inside flash and disk drives that normally performs only low-level tasks such as writing and reading data. Arm’s new Cortex-R82 is designed to serve as the controller for computational storage devices. It’s available as a chip design that hardware makers can license and customize based on their needs. “The extra computing power allows the chip to run a full Linux distribution as well as applications, all directly inside a storage drive.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
