Apple Poised To Bring Mac and iPad Closer Than Ever

It’s pretty much a given that next week’s Apple Worldwide Developer Conference will bring new versions of MacOS and iOS. The real question is just how much convergence there will be between the 2 operating systems. From a report: The Mac remains popular even as the bulk of Apple’s business is now selling phones and tablets, both of which have been increasing in computing power. Apple has long said it doesn’t plan to merge its mobile and computer operating systems, but the two have been moving closer together recently. Apple offered a “sneak peek” last year at its multiyear effort (known internally as Marzipan) to allow programs written for iOS devices like the iPad to run on Macs with minimal changes. Last year, the company said it was testing the technology first with its own apps, like Stocks and Voice Memos, and would offer other developers a chance to adapt their apps over time. Developers are champing at the bit for their taste of Marzipan, and WWDC could offer them a way in. Apple is likely to preview upgrades to its TV and watch operating systems and perhaps give a few more details on some of its new services, such as Arcade, a subscription iOS game service due out this fall.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
