Apple Plans to Reopen Some Stores in America This Week, But Customers Must Wear Masks

An anonymous reader quotes CNBC:
Apple released its blueprint Sunday night for how it will reopen its retail stores once it is safe to due so, per official coronavirus health guidelines. It will also open 25 stores in the U.S. this week. When a store reopens, customers will be required to submit to a temperature check and wear a mask before entering the store, according to the guidelines, written by Apple’s retail and human resources boss Deirdre O’Brien. If a customer doesn’t have a mask, Apple will provide them with one. Apple also announced on Sunday several stores in the U.S. that will be reopening this week. Some of the stores will allow customers in, while others will only offer curbside pick-up service. Apple stores will be reopening this week in a handful of states including Florida, California (curbside service), Washington (curbside service), Hawaii, Oklahoma and Colorado. O’Brien said stores would reopen per local official guidelines, and could even close again if lockdown orders in a certain area have to be renacted. Reuters notes Apple’s move is “continuing a gradual process that has unlocked doors at nearly a fifth of its worldwide retail outlets.” Around the world nearly 100 Apple stores have already done some form of re-opening, the guidelines state, adding that “In every store, we’re focused on limiting occupancy and giving everybody lots of room, and renewing our focus on one-on-one, personalized service… Throughout the day, we’re conducting enhanced deep cleanings that place special emphasis on all surfaces, display products, and highly trafficked areas…” “Down the road, when we reflect on COVID-19, we should always remember how so many people around the world put the well-being of others at the center of their daily lives. At Apple, we plan to carry those values forward, and we will always put the health and safety of our customers and teams above all else.”

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