Another Cryptocurrency Heist, This Time $2 Million Stolen from Akropolis

$2 million worth of Dai was stolen Thursday from the cryptocurrency borrowing/lending service Akropolis, reports ZDNet — after which the service’s admins paused all transactions. These attacks have been growing in numbers since early February this year, and one of the biggest flash loan attacks took place last month, in October, when hackers stole $24 million worth of cryptocurrency assets from decentralized finance service Harvest Finance. The good news is that Akropolis says it has already identified the attacker’s Ethereum account, which would allow it to track funds as they move around the blockchain. The DeFi platform says it already notified major cryptocurrency exchanges about the hack and the attacker’s wallet in an attempt to have funds frozen and prevent the attacker from laundering funds into other forms of cryptocurrencies, lose the investigators’ tracks, and cash out the funds. Akropolis said it is currently exploring ways to reimburse users for the loss.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
