Andrew Yang Announces Universal Basic Income Pilot Program At Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced at Thursday’s primary debate that his campaign will use funds raised from his supporters for a pilot program meant to resemble his universal basic income proposal. The Hill reports: Under the Freedom Dividend Pilot Program, at least 10 American families will receive $1,000 a month, or $12,000 a year. Participants can enter the giveaway on Yang’s campaign website. Three people are already receiving the dividend, and his campaign said in a news release that they are “already noting the benefits of having an extra $1,000 per month — from being able to make home improvements, to fixing a car needed for work, to affording medical care for family members.” “The campaign is excited to work together with our supporters to help create more stories about what the Freedom Dividend means for American families. It will enable and empower citizens to pay their bills, switch jobs, take care of loved ones, and plan for the future,” campaign manager Zach Graumann said in the Thursday night release.

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