America’s Daily COVID-19 Death Toll Passes 1,000 Again

AleRunner writes: The United States on Tuesday recorded more than 1,000 daily deaths from COVID-19 for the first time since May, according to Politico. This trend continued and actually increased on Wednesday with over 1,200 deaths. Whilst there have been suggestions that the increase in cases in the US was an artifact of greater testing, the new data on deaths makes it starkly clear that these suggestions were wrong and that cases are increasing at a greater rate than testing, meaning that the official death rate is going to continue increasing for some time. Even these shocking numbers are likely an underestimate with reputable researchers having shown that many COVID-19 deaths have been registered under other causes. More than half a million people worldwide are dead and 15 million are infected, however the U.S. remains world leader in coronavirus cases with Brazil still far behind in second place.

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