America’s CIA Reportedly Spied on Julian Assange In the Ecuador Embassy

A Spanish private security firm spied on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on behalf of the CIA while he was inside Ecuador’s embassy in London, according to the Spanish newspaper El Pais. An anonymous reader quotes AFP:
Citing unspecified documents and statements, the paper said Undercover Global Ltd, which was responsible for security at the embassy while Assange was staying there, sent the US intelligence service audio and video files of meetings he had with his lawyers. The reports were allegedly handed over by David Morales, who owns the company and is currently being investigated by Spain’s National Court, the paper said…. According to El Pais, Undercover Global installed microphones in the embassy’s fire extinguishers as well as in the women’s toilets where Assange’s lawyers used to meet for fear of being spied on. It said the company also installed a streaming system so the recordings could be directly accessed by US officials, enabling them to spy on a meeting Assange had with Ecuador’s secret service chief Rommy Vallejo in December 2017. El Pais reports that the company’s team was also ordered to install stickers that prevented the windows from vibrating in one of the rooms Assange used, “allegedly to make it easier for the CIA to record conversations with their laser microphones.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
