Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Called To Testify Before House Antitrust Panel

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: House lawmakers leading an antitrust investigation into Amazon demanded Friday that CEO Jeff Bezos testify about the company’s alleged practice of gleaning financial information from third-party sellers to bolster its own private label business. The House Judiciary Committee threatened to subpoena Bezos if he does not voluntarily agree to testify. The letter comes after a Wall Street Journal investigation found that Amazon employees in the company’s private label business had routinely used data from third-party sellers to inform its own product strategy — a practice that the company has consistently denied to Congress. Amazon’s associate general counsel, Nate Sutton, said in a July hearing on the company’s practices that “we do not use any seller data to compete with them.” He also told Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., chair of the House antitrust subcommittee, in the same hearing that “we do not use their individual data when we’re making decisions to launch private brands.” Amazon has also submitted numerous written responses to the same effect to the committee. “If the reporting in The Wall Street Journal article is accurate, then statements Amazon made to the Committee about the company’s business practices appear to be misleading, and possibly criminally false or perjurious,” said the House Judiciary Committee in its letter.

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