Amazonians Visit High Schools To Inspect the Amazon Future Engineer Troops

theodp writes: Amazon Future Engineer students across the country are graduating from high school,” reports the Amazon Day One blog, “and to celebrate, Amazonians visited select classrooms to meet some of the students and to check out their impressive computer science progress and end of year projects [TV coverage of an ‘Amazon graduation’]. Amazon Future Engineer “is a four-part, childhood-to-career program aimed at inspiring and educating 10 million students from underrepresented and underserved communities each year to try computer science and coding. Amazon strives to achieve this by inspiring millions of children through coding camps and’s Hour of Code program, funding computer science courses in high schools across the country, providing 100 students with four-year college scholarships in computer science, and offering Amazon internships to scholarship recipients.” The importance of CS education to Amazon is highlighted in a new Washingtonian story, The Real Story of How Virginia Won Amazon’s HQ2, which reports, “Northern Virginia’s ultimate proposal was centered around an effort to provide Amazon — or any other tech firm that wanted to come — with all the educated workers it needed, now and in the future. [Virginia Economic Development Partnership CEO Stephen] Moret’s team proposed increasing tech education from kindergarten through 12th grade, expanding university offerings to produce up to 17,500 new bachelor’s degrees in computer science and related fields, and building a tech campus that could produce the same number of master’s degrees.” And in a recent Brookings Institution fireside chat, Moret noted, “we analyzed substantially all of the LinkedIn profiles of HQ1 — the Seattle workforce… And if you look at the tech occupations — that was the space they were the most concerned about — literally half of all the people at Amazon Seattle headquarters that are working in some kind of tech occupation, half of them have at least one degree in computer science. So, that was a really big data point for us; and that really shaped a lot of how we built our package.

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