Amazon Begins Moving Warehouses Into Malls It Helped Put Out of Business

“It’s easy to think of Amazon executives going home every night and bathing in their cynicism,” writes Inc. columnist Chris Matyszczyk:
It’s often contended that Amazon has put an enormous amount of pressure on shopping malls. So much so that many of those malls are shutting their doors. Yet, as the Wall Street Journal reports, Amazon is now moving into precisely those derelict malls. Why? To use the space for its vast and, some might say heartless, fulfillment centers… It’s the perfect way to ramp up Amazon’s promise to make one-day delivery the norm. The malls were specifically built to give access to large urban swathes. To make that even easier, they were built with good access to highways. Amazon’s avowed intention to offer free one-day delivery for Prime members involves creating the reverse flow. Where hordes once flowed toward the malls, now convoys of vans carrying packages will flow from the malls to the malls’ former customers… Meanwhile, we sit back, mourn the death of malls and can’t wait to get our new underwear delivered just that little bit more quickly. The article concludes that Amazon’s move “would delight the most Machiavellian of cynics with its sheer beautiful gall.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
