Aliens May Have Bugged Co-Orbital Space Rocks To Spy On Earth, Scientist Says

dryriver shared this article from NBC News’ science blog Mach: Picture this: A hundred million years ago, an advanced civilization detects strange signatures of life on a blue-green planet not so far away from their home in the Milky Way. They try sending signals, but whatever’s marching around on that unknown world isn’t responding. So, the curious galactic explorers try something different. They send a robotic probe to a small, quiet space rock orbiting near the life-rich planet, just to keep an eye on things. If a story like this played out at any moment in Earth’s 4.5 billion-year history, it just might have left an archaeological record. At least, that’s the hope behind a new proposal to check Earth’s so-called co-orbitals for signs of advanced alien technology. Co-orbitals are space objects that orbit the sun at about the same distance that Earth does. “They’re basically going around the sun at the same rate the Earth is, and they’re very nearby,” said James Benford, a physicist and independent SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) researcher who dreamed up the idea that aliens might have bugged Earth via these co-orbitals while he was at a conference in Houston last year. If he’s right, the co-orbitals could be a way to detect alien activity that occurred before humans even evolved, much less turned their attention toward the stars. To be clear, even SETI researchers who like the idea of checking out Earth’s co-orbitals acknowledge that it’s a long shot… “How likely is it that alien probe would be on one of these co-orbitals, obviously extremely unlikely,” said Paul Davies, a physicist and astrobiologist at Arizona State University who was not involved in Benford’s new paper on the idea, published Sept. 20 in The Astronomical Journal. “But if it costs very little to go take a look, why not? Even if we don’t find E.T., we might find something of interest….” Seeking signs of intelligent extraterrestrials close to Earth is informative even if the search comes up empty, Benford said. That no one’s heard or seen any extraterrestrial signals in 50 years or so doesn’t mean much, given the mind-boggling time span of Earth’s history. A lack of evidence spanning hundreds, millions or even billions of years would be much more convincing. “If we don’t find anything, that means no one has come to look at the life of Earth for over billions of years,” Benford said. “That is a big surprise, a stunning thing.” The search has already begun. In April China’s space agency announced plans to send a probe to Earth’s nearest co-orbital.

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