Alan Turing’s Doctorate & Knighthood Medal Recovered 36 Years After Theft

Slashdot reader McGruber shares the news that several of Alan Turing’s historic personal effects have been recovered nearly 36 years after they were stolen. From a report:
In filings in the U.S. District Court of Colorado Friday, federal officials say they seized the British mathematician’s Princeton University degree, his Order of the British Empire medal and several photos, school reports and letters from his time at Sherborne School, a boarding school in Dorset, England. According to the seizure notices, a woman named Julia Turing approached the University of Colorado Boulder in January 2018, saying she wanted to loan Alan Turing’s memorabilia to the library. Archivists at the library determined that the items were stolen from Sherborne in 1984… Julia Turing isn’t related to Alan Turing, but she changed her last name from Schwinghamer in 1988, according to the complaint… A month after she reached out to the University of Colorado Boulder, federal officials searched Julia Turing’s home in Conifer and recovered the items. The Guardian shared this quote from a member of the government committee that decided Turing should appear on the U.K.’s new £50 note. “[He was] the father of computer science, a significant influence on the modern field of artificial intelligence and most importantly, his work at Bletchley Park during the second world war led a team of code-breakers to crack the German Enigma code.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
