After SolarWinds Breach, Lawmakers Ask NSA for Help in Cracking Juniper Cold Case

As the U.S. investigation into the SolarWinds hacking campaign grinds on, lawmakers are demanding answers from the National Security Agency about another troubling supply chain breach that was disclosed five years ago. From a report: A group of lawmakers led by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., are asking the NSA what steps it took to secure defense networks following a years-old breach of software made by Juniper Networks, a major provider of firewall devices for the federal government. Juniper revealed its incident in December 2015, saying that hackers had slipped unauthorized code into the firm’s software that could allow access to firewalls and the ability to decrypt virtual private network connections. Despite repeated inquiries from Capitol Hill — and concern in the Pentagon about the potential exposure of its contractors to the hack — there has been no public U.S. government assessment of who carried out the hack, and what data was accessed. Lawmakers are now hoping that, by cracking open the Juniper cold case, the government can learn from that incident before another big breach of a government vendor provides attackers with a foothold into U.S. networks. Members of Congress also are examining any role that the NSA may have unwittingly played in the Juniper incident by allegedly advocating for a weak encryption algorithm that Juniper and other firms used in its software. Lawmakers want to know if, more than a decade ago, the NSA pushed for a data protection scheme it could crack, only for another state-sponsored group to exploit that security weakness to gather data about the U.S. “Congress has a responsibility to determine the root cause of this supply chain compromise and the NSA’s role in the design and promotion of the flawed encryption algorithm that played such a central role,” Wyden and other lawmakers wrote to Gen. Paul Nakasone, head of the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command, in a letter made public Friday.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
