7,000 Developers Report Their Top Languages: Java, JavaScript, and Python

“JetBrains released its State of Developer Ecosystem 2019 report, which found while Java is still the most popular primary language and JavaScript is the most used overall, Python is gaining speed,” reports SD Times: The report surveyed about 7,000 developers worldwide, and revealed Python is the most studied programming language, the most loved language, and the third top primary programming language developers are using… The top use cases developers are using Python for include data analysis, web development, machine learning and writing automation scripts, according to the JetBrains report. More developers are also beginning to move over to Python 3, with 9 out of 10 developers using the current version. The JetBrains report also found while Go is still a young language, it is the most promising programming language. “Go started out with a share of 8% in 2017 and now it has reached 18%. In addition, the biggest number of developers (13%) chose Go as a language they would like to adopt or migrate to,” the report stated… Seventy-three percent of JavaScript developers use TypeScript, which is up from 17 percent last year. Seventy-one percent of Kotlin developers use Kotlin for work. Java 8 is still the most popular programming language, but developers are beginning to migrate to Java 10 and 11. JetBrains (which designed Kotlin in 2011) also said that 60% of their survey’s respondents identified themselves as professional web back-end developers (while 46% said they did web front-end, and 23% developed mobile applications). 41% said they hadn’t contributed to open source projects “but I would like to,” while 21% said they contributed “several times a year.” “16% of developers don’t have any tests in their projects. Among fully-employed senior developers though, that statistic is just 8%. Like last year, about 30% of developers still don’t have unit tests in their projects.” Other interesting statistics: 52% say they code in their dreams.
57% expect AI to replace developers “partially” in the future. “83% prefer the Dark theme for their editor or IDE. This represents a growth of 6 percentage points since last year for each environment.
47% take public transit to work.
And 97% of respondents using Rust “said they have been using Rust for less than a year. With only 14% using it for work, it’s much more popular as a language for personal/side projects.” And more than 90% of the Rust developers who responded worked with codebases with less than 300 files.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
