70% of Americans Hate Daylight Saving Time

“America is approaching one of its most contentious hours,” writes the Phildadelphia Inquirer, “and officially, it’s one that doesn’t exist.” According to the National Conference of State Legislators, lawmakers in 32 states are considering bills that would change the current system of splitting the year into about eight months of daylight time and the rest, standard. “It’s been a hot issue,” said Jim Reed, an NCSL official. And it’s getting hotter, he added. Every year more state lawmakers are considering changing the system. The preponderance are pushing for year-round daylight time, although Congress has forbidden states from doing so. Pennsylvania has four different proposed time-change bills, and three of those essentially endorse year-round daylight time. Yet, if the issue were put to a national primary, all-standard, all-the-time would win decisively, according to a poll conducted last year. More than 70% of those surveyed said, Please, stop with the changes, period… DST critics have pointed to studies pointing to possible connections to an increase in heart disease when the clocks go up, and the impacts of disrupted body rhythms resulting from disrupted sleep patterns. Proponents say later sunsets mean more Vitamin D and more opportunities to luxuriate in the later twilights.

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