357 Amazon Employees Launch Mass Defiance of the Company’s Communications Policy

357 Amazon employees have now “violated the e-commerce giant’s communications policy Sunday in an unprecedented public display of support for colleagues who were warned that they could be fired for speaking out to criticize the company’s climate practices,” reports the Washington Post: Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, a group of workers concerned about the company’s business with the oil and gas industry as well as its carbon footprint, published quotes from the workers in a post on Medium. The comments, all of which are attributed to Amazon workers by name, are a mass defiance of company rules that bar workers from commenting publicly on its business without corporate justification and approval from executives… “Solidarity to the workers facing retaliation for standing up!” wrote Charlie LaBarge, a software engineer… Amazon encourages workers to advocate for causes they believe in but wants them to pursue those convictions when related to the company’s business internally, spokesman Drew Herdener said in a statement. Workers can submit questions to executives during all-hands meetings, and they can join internal interest groups, such as ones that focus on sustainability. Employees can also attend lunch sessions with Amazon leaders to discuss the issues, as long as they are willing to keep matters raised in those sessions confidential. “While all employees are welcome to engage constructively with any of the many teams inside Amazon that work on sustainability and other topics, we do enforce our external communications policy and will not allow employees to publicly disparage or misrepresent the company or the hard work of their colleagues who are developing solutions to these hard problems,” Herdener said. Ironically, the Washington Post…is owned by Amazon.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
