Research team expands quantum network with successful long-distance entanglement experiment

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, Stony Brook University, and DOE’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) are collaborating on an experiment that puts U.S. quantum networking research on the international map. Researchers have built a quantum network testbed that connects several buildings on the Brookhaven Lab campus using unique portable quantum entanglement… Continue reading Research team expands quantum network with successful long-distance entanglement experiment

Behavior of ‘trapped’ electrons in a one-dimensional world observed in the lab

A team of physicists at the University of Cologne has, for the first time, seen a particularly exotic behaviour of electrons on an atomic scale. Electrons normally move almost freely through three-dimensional space. However, when they are forced to move in only one dimension, i.e., in a chain of atoms, they begin to act strangely.… Continue reading Behavior of ‘trapped’ electrons in a one-dimensional world observed in the lab

Using QMC simulations to examine the dynamic spin structure of planar coupled spin ladders

Recent polarized inelastric neutron scattering experiments have identified the amplitude (i.e. Higgs) mode in C9H18N2CuBr4, a 2-D, near-quantum-critical spin ladder compound that exhibits a weak easy-axis exchange anisotropy. Inspired by these findings, researchers at RWTH Aachen University, Harbin Institute of Technology and the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg have carried out a study examining the dynamic spin… Continue reading Using QMC simulations to examine the dynamic spin structure of planar coupled spin ladders

Quantum magnetometers for industrial applications

On April 1 2019, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft launches the lighthouse project “Quantum Magnetometry” (QMag): Freiburg’s Fraunhofer institutes IAF, IPM and IWM want to transfer quantum magentometry from the field of university research to industrial applications. In close cooperation with three further Fraunhofer institutes (IMM, IISB and CAP), the research team develops highly integrated imaging quantum magnetometers… Continue reading Quantum magnetometers for industrial applications

Putting a new spin on Majorana fermions

The combination of different phases of water—solid ice, liquid water, and water vapor—would require some effort to achieve experimentally. For instance, if you wanted to place ice next to vapor, you would have to continuously chill the water to maintain the solid phase while heating it to maintain the gas phase. Source:

Low-loss, all-fiber system for strong and efficient coupling between distant atoms

A team of scientists from Waseda University, the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and the University of Auckland have developed an integrated, all-fiber coupled-cavities quantum electrodynamics (QED) system in which a meter-long portion of conventional optical fiber seamlessly and coherently connects two nanofiber cavity-QED systems. Source:

Quantum optical cooling of nanoparticles

When a particle is completely isolated from its environment, the laws of quantum physics start to play a crucial role. One important requirement to see quantum effects is to remove all thermal energy from the particle motion, i.e. to cool it as close as possible to absolute zero temperature. Researchers at the University of Vienna,… Continue reading Quantum optical cooling of nanoparticles

What happened before the Big Bang?

Artist’s concept showing the patterns of signals generated by primordial standard clocks in different theories of the primordial universe. Top: Big Bounce. Bottom: Inflation. Image via CfA. Can we get an inkling of what existed before our universe began? Some theories suggest that, before the Big Bang, whatever existed was contracting, rather than expanding, as… Continue reading What happened before the Big Bang?

Optical toric code platform sets new record

Anyons form the basis for topological quantum computation and error correction, where the topological aspect of anyonic braiding is one of the important features that gives rise to fault tolerance. More qubits to control will assist researchers to explore further. Source: