Why You Need to Add Digital Marketing Skills to Your Resume

There’s no doubt about it, technology has changed the way we communicate and receive information.

And because of this change, businesses have had to adapt the ways they communicate with their customers. Today, consumers are in information overload and look to the Internet to receive information about their favorite brands and companies. As a result, over the past few years, companies have largely shifted their efforts towards digital marketing. The Chief Marketing Officer Council reported the following “Facts and Stats” surrounding marketing spends:

    • More than a third of CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) say that digital marketing will account for 75% or more of their spending within the next five years
    • Digital advertising was the fastest-growing category in 2014, with a 16 percent increase in spending
    • In April 2015, BIA/Kelsey estimated that US mobile ad spending on local, or location-targeted, placements would rise 56% this year to $6.7 billion

28% of marketers have reduced their advertising budgets to fund more digital marketing

    • Worldwide social network ad spending reached $16.1 billion in 2014, a 3% increase from 2013
    • By 2018, Internet advertising will be poised to overtake TV as the largest advertising segment

So, what does this mean for you?

It means digital marketing is only expected to grow and perhaps even take over the advertising segment in the coming years. It’s important to gain these skills now to become a desirable candidate to employers. LinkedIn analyzed millions of LinkedIn member profiles to find the 25 hottest skills to get you hired, and three were directly related to marketing:

  • SEO/SEM marketing
  • Marketing Campaign Management
  • Channel Marketing

As companies continue to invest in digital marketing they will be more likely to invest in employees with the skills that can help contribute to their marketing efforts. Learning these skills not only enhances your resume/CV, but helps set you up for a life-long career in marketing.

Add digital marketing skills to your resume today.

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