Software Engineers: What They Do and How to Become One

Groundbreaking technology is only groundbreaking for so long. New is constantly replacing old, as demand for growth is constant. Both individuals and organizations look to utilize the latest technology, in turn creating demand for software engineers who make many of these advancements possible.

Think about the last time you used Excel Online, Photoshop, iTunes, or even Google Chrome. They were all constructed by software engineers. Operating systems, database management systems and computer games are also created by software engineers – and those are just a few examples.

Software is all around us, and organizations across all industries are using it to become more efficient, better meet the needs of their customers, and reimagine their identities.

With over 49,000 open jobs and a median base salary of $95,000, software engineers are in extremely high demand, and that won’t change anytime soon. 

If you’re in the market for a high-paying job in a highly in-demand field, a career in software engineering is definitely worth considering.

Not sure where to start? Here are a few subject areas you should be familiar with:

1. Problem Solving

In a nutshell, software engineers are problem solvers. Often times their end-goals are clear, but their pathway isn’t. By building models and utilizing other problem solving techniques, software engineers are able to devise a clear plan and ultimately deliver the right solution.


2. Mathematics

Often times, software cannot function properly without certain mathematical algorithms. Being able to write them yourself can be a strong point of differentiation, since not every engineer has that skill. Math develops your ability to reason through abstract problems, which is exactly what every software engineer must do on a daily basis.


3. Coding

Every software engineer should be comfortable with a few languages and have a strong foundation in computer science. Python, Java, Javascript, and C# are popular choices, but the more languages you can navigate, the more doors you’ll open for yourself.


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