Preparing for University Studies with edX Courses: Meet Timothy

Timothy is an undergraduate student in India, and has plans to attend MIT for his graduate studies. He’s using courses on edX to get a leg up in his dream career field – aerospace engineering. Read on to hear more:

What edX course or program did you take and what were your goals in taking it?

I have taken courses on Space Mission Design and Operations and Machine Learning. I’m an Electrical Engineering major planning to apply for graduate studies in Aerospace Engineering at MIT, and to prepare me for that, I am taking these courses.

How was your experience learning online?

The entire learning experience is just awesome, with great videos and course materials and discussions.

How has your learning impacted your career, life, or community?

Learning with edX has given me the opportunity to follow my passion of learning Aerospace Engineering and to prepare for my future career in space exploration.

How do you plan to use your learning in the future? What’s next for you?

As an Electrical Engineering undergraduate, I’ll use the knowledge I gained through edX to pursue my graduate studies in Aerospace Engineering and my career.

What advice would you give new edX students?

Follow your passion and find the courses you are most interested in, that will enhance your knowledge and brighten your future. Go go for it!

Inspired by Timothy’s story? Share your own! Visit our easy story submission page to tell us about your learning experience and we’ll use it to inspire learners around the world.

The post Preparing for University Studies with edX Courses: Meet Timothy appeared first on edX Blog.
