In 2019, Should You Learn Python or Javascript First?

Unsure which programming language you should learn first?

Charles Severance, also known as Dr. Chuck, is a professor at the University of Michigan School of Information and has taught over one million students on Coursera about programming, coding, and technology.

Below, Dr. Chuck talks about whether Python and Javascript are still worth learning in 2019, which language you should learn first, and the best way to learn them.

He also shares his tips for getting your first programming job, why everyone should learn how to code, and what he looks at when hiring.

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Want to hear more from Chuck?

Enroll for free in his Python for Everyone Specialization (or one of Dr. Chuck’s other classes).

Or if you’re a member of the press, set up an interview with Dr. Chuck or learn more about the topics he can speak to.

The post In 2019, Should You Learn Python or Javascript First? appeared first on Coursera Blog.
