Getting an MCS Part III – Insights from a CS professor

When preparing to apply for an online MCS, students often ask the essential question – am I prepared for this degree program? In part three of this three part “Getting an MCS” series, we have asked ASU professor Andrea W. Richa to share some insights on the online MCS degree program. 

Professor Andrea W. Richa joined Arizona State University (ASU) in 1998. Her recent work has focused on developing the algorithmic foundations on what has been coined as programmable matter, through her work on self-organizing particle systems (SOPS) (see ). Her two decades in computer science have seen many changes in the field, including the introduction of online master’s programs. According to Professor Richa, the advantage of an online program compared to an on-campus program is “the flexibility it gives you, especially if you are working.” Despite having an impressively broad expertise in general computing, when asked about her favorite Computer Science topic, Professor Richa said “Algorithms,” going on to specify “distributed Algorithms in the world.” Richa received the 2017 Best Senior Researcher award from the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE). She was the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award in 1999, an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and the keynote speaker and program\general chair of several prestigious conferences. Richa has also delivered several invited talks both nationally and internationally. 

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