Gaining New Knowledge, Skills, and Techniques for his Construction Career: Meet Mark Anthony

What edX course or program did you take and what were your goals in taking it?

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity. My goal in taking this Professional Certificate program is to gain new knowledge, tools, and techniques that I could use in my construction project. I also want to improve my professional profile by getting the Lean Six Sigma certification from the Technical University of Munich through edX.

How was your experience learning online?

The online learning experience in edX is a very informative and state-of-the-art approach especially using the different methodologies in presenting computational problems and scaling the understanding of the students. The professors are very responsive, especially Prof. Holly Ott, in other different modes of communications like LinkedIn and Facebook.

How has your learning impacted your career, life, or community?

Since I got my Professional Certificate in Lean Six Sigma in edX offered by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) back in April 2018, my data analysis skills are significantly improved. The concept of continuous improvement both in personal and professional career became my habit and became my way of life today.

How do you plan to use your learning in the future? What’s next for you?

I am planning to advance my knowledge in Lean Six Sigma and take the Green Belt Certification and eventually become a Black Belt.

What advice would you give new edX students?

My advice to the new edX students is to continuously improve yourself and make it a habit. Small learning will eventually become a bigger one without noticing it.

Anything else you’d like to share about your experience learning on edX?

The learnings I gained here in edX became one of my competencies in becoming a Professional Engineer. It helped me enhance my organizational status and motivate even more in studying.

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